
Acting in Accordance with Law and Ethics
All Legal Delta collaborators must collaborate with the law and ethics in their professional and personal spheres. They also promote ethical principles in their communities.

Honesty and Promoting a Culture of Integrity
Legal Delta’s activities and those of its collaborators must be honest, with integrity and respectful of human rights. No collaborator shall be sanctioned for refusing to undertake any act they consider contrary to Legal Delta’s ethical principles.

Legal Delta and its collaborators act loyally with their counterparts and clients. This implies fulfilling commitments made and keeping their word. Legal Delta collaborators seek to interact in good faith with their counterparties and with a constructive attitude.

Diversity, Inclusion and Respect
Diversity, inclusion and respect are essential values in Legal Delta’s daily actions. Legal Delta is socially responsible and committed to developing its activities while respecting the environment, cultural diversity and cooperation with other organizations to contribute to building a better society for all. For more information on some of the projects that Legal Delta supports, please visit the website

Attention to Detail
Legal Delta and its collaborators pay special attention to detail in the services they provide to clients. The workload assigned to Legal Delta collaborators is related to this value.

Value Generation and Proactivity
Legal Delta and its collaborators work to provide a service that satisfies client’s express requests and generates value.

Collaborative Work
Teamwork is essential and critical to the success of projects. Legal Delta and its collaborators take care of commercial relationship between the parties and propose solutions that satisfy the interests of the parties involved. Legal Delta’s purpose is: “To contribute to a world with better infrastructure for the quality of human life and to encourage collaborative thinking in infrastructure and construction projects to avoid disputes.”

Law in the service of people
Legal Delta and its collaborators apply the Law to the reality of the industry. Theory is at the service of practice, not the other way around.

Long-Term Vision
Legal Delta and its collaborators prioritize long-term relationships with clients and fulfil the role of strategic advisor, not just service provider.
The values indicated above apply to all Legal Delta collaborators. To report an incident that contravenes any of the values described above, write to:
May, 2024.